Saturday, June 20, 2009

Climbing in La Serena

10th of April was a public holiday in Chile, which means we had a 3 day week-end. We took the opportunity to go spend the long week-end to La Serena, a coastal city about 500kms North of Santiago. The idea was to go there for a climbing week-end, and more specifically a Bouldering one. This means small to medium size rocks about 5m high, no ropes for security, only a mattress on the floor and our friends to catch us when we fall. But generally speaking we don't get to climb very high as most "problems" as we call a climbing route are rather short but with difficult moves (at least for me!).
We enjoyed great weather, nice company, really good food (thanks to your parents Andres), free accomodation (thanks again Andres) and of course nice climbing :-)
The only less cool point was all the traffic jam on our way back.... but even with that it was an excellent week-end!

Some photos (a lot actually...)

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