Sunday, February 7, 2010

Happy Birthday to me!!

Today is my birthday!
Had a little celebration yesterday with a couple of friends. We went out to Bellavista, ate, drank and danced the night out. I'm a bit fuzzy about some of the details though....
I emptied quite a few bottles of alcohol to celebrate... 17 in total.... All by myself!
Are you crazy?
I guess a little ;-)
I actually did not drink any of this but I emptied all those bottles in the sink! Just did.
I have been contemplating leading a healthier lifestyle for a few years now but it's always been up and down. I had my periods where I would eat well, not drink.... and others... well where I would do pretty much the opposite.
Since a couple of weeks I started again trying to eat better and drink better too and I've been reading / viewing lots of information on internet mainly concerning food and health, trying to determine what would be the best possible diet for me.
Here's a link to a video that made quite an impression on me:

there are much more and I might start sharing some of those now and then.
I am trying to eradicate refined sugar from my diet since. On the day I watched this video I grabbed all the soft drinks in my house and pourred them down the sink.
Today I decided that I should not drink alcohol anymore and I thought then that the first step would be to get rid of all the bottles at my house. I didn't want to give them out as I think after all this is not a very elegant thing to do and I do not want anyone to drink them (how selfish ;-) )

The other good side of this is that I have more space on those shelves in my kitchen cabinet to have awesome nutritious food instead! I was a bit short of storage space so it will help!

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